Fraud Awareness Courses
Encouraging participants to alter their attitudes towards Financial Crime
Our Mission
Our courses are intended to protect society by preventing fraud through education and timely intervention.
We offer an intensive, engaging and powerful online 3-hour course (with a short break after 90 minutes) in which we probe the triggers and devastating impacts of financial crime.
We raise awareness, develop skills and increase motivation around:
- Financial responsibility
- Lifestyle
- Thinking
- Behaviour
- Societal attitudes
- Consequences of conviction

Out of Court Disposal (OOCD)
If you are referred to us by the Police (or a Government body such as the Department for Work & Pensions or HMRC) you will be able to take part in our online course as part of a Conditional Caution (as defined by the Criminal Justice Act 2003).
A key aim of a Conditional Caution is to bring about rehabilitation.
This means that, as long as you complete the session, you will not have to attend court and you will not get a criminal conviction.
Online Delivery
Our courses are delivered remotely (via Google Meets, Microsoft Teams and Zoom) by one of our qualified trainers - and not a Police officer.
All you need is a laptop, tablet or smartphone with in-built camera and sound, sufficient broadband and a non-distracting area from which to take part.

There is no pass or fail test - you just need to make sure that you arrive on time and stay for the duration of the session.
At the end of the session, you will be sent a digital "Certificate of Attendance" and a copy will be sent to the referring body.

Any Questions?
Please get in touch.....
If you would like to ask us anything about our courses, please complete the below form.
One of our agents will be in touch shortly.